We sincerely hope that you thoroughly enjoy this article about 7 Herbaceous Plants of Central America. Most often, its neighbor, South America, receives the great majority of the attention for its admittedly awesome flora and fauna. This part of the world, however, also has its own incredible beauty to amaze us with. Some fascinate for […]
5 Marvelous Mammals of Central America
We sincerely hope that you enjoy this article about 5 Marvelous Mammals of Central America. This area of the world remains well known for teeming with life of all kinds, and mammals are no exception. Obviously, though, these few represent only the smallest percentage of the species to be found here. But, we hope that […]
Fabulous Herbaceous Plants Named After Animals
We sincerely hope that you enjoy this article about Fabulous Herbaceous Plants Named After Animals. Flora such as these, named for their resemblance to fauna, only serve to highly the fact that Nature appears to have a sense of humor, as well as irony. It also perfectly illustrates the extreme variety of life that has […]
7 Spectacular Herbaceous Plants of the World
We certainly hope that you enjoy this article featuring 7 Spectacular Herbaceous Plants of the World. Certainly, herbaceous plants exist in virtually all parts of the world. However, not all of them stand out from the rest as these few do. These particular plants stand apart from the majority of others for a variety of […]
Breathtaking Primates of the World
We sincerely hope that you enjoy reading this article on Breathtaking Primates of the World. As our closest relatives, these magnificent animals continually fascinate most of us. They exist in seemingly endless varieties and sizes, as well as highly varied habitats. But each and every one remains special in its own right. That’s partly since, […]
8 Truly Monumental Orchids
We truly hope that you enjoy this article on 8 Truly Monumental Orchids. This particular family holds some of the most magnificent flowers on earth. However, these come in an astonishing variety of colors, sizes, and even shapes, as you will discover. Naturally, of course, the species we list here comprise only the tiniest handful […]
7 Fabulous South American Plants
We truly hope that you enjoy this article on 7 Fabulous South American Plants. To be certain, wonderful plants appear in virtually every part of the globe. But, this region just seems to have more than its fair share. The climate and conditions just appear to lend themselves to producing the most incredible, and impressive, […]
6 Magnificent Carnivorous Plants
6 Magnificent Carnivorous Plants Herein we present to you our choice of 6 Magnificent Carnivorous Plants. Certainly, these represent only a tiny fraction of the roughly 1,000 known varieties of plants that supplement energy from the soil and sun with that derived from the consumption of flesh, to be sure. Yet we hope that this […]
Hooker’s Lips
Hooker’s Lips Facts Related Articles Hooker’s Lips Physical Description Confusingly, the Hooker’s Lips plant technically must be called a tree. The confusion understandably stems from the fact that it forms a very diminutive one. This holds true due to the fact that this most unusual species rarely exceeds 10 ft (3 m) in height. What’s […]
Jewel Caterpillar
Jewel Caterpillar Facts The gorgeous Jewel Caterpillar, a member of the Dalceridae family, is the incredibly beautiful and translucent larval stage of the Acraga coa. Currently, scientists still know very little about either the caterpillar stage of the species or its adult counterpart. The brilliant color of the many spiny protuberances appears in contrast to the virtually transparent […]