Gulper Eel Facts Perhaps most notably of all, the Gulper Eel currently remains one of the most unusual appearing creatures in any ocean. Quite understandably, photographs of the creature also remain extremely rare, hence the poor quality of this photo. Given the highly extreme nature of its habitat, most of what humans know of this […]Read More
Boxfish Facts First of all, the term Boxfish represents the generic name for any member of a particular group. Members also go by the equally distinctive common names of cowfish and trunkfish. Currently, a total of 24 known types of rather distinctive bony fish fill this group. All members reside in the family Tetraodontiformes. In […]
Lumpfish Facts First of all, the quite distinctively-named Lumpfish represents a specific species of remarkable marine fish. Furthermore, the sincerely amazing animal belongs to the Family collectively known by the equally unusual name of Lumpsuckers. The species also remains unique in a particular fashion. That holds true because of the fact that the fascinating fish […]
Pinecone Fish
Pinecone Fish Facts Perhaps most notably, the term Pinecone Fish serves as the common name for any of the quite unique species within a specific Family. Furthermore, for the moment, a small total of only four different but very closely related species fit within that most unusual of Families Additionally, these four varieties of fish […]
Mola Mola
Mola Mola Facts The truly distinctive name of Mola Mola applies to the largest known surviving variety of bony fish on earth. The amazing creature also goes by several other names, though. In this, it follows a pattern shared with many other species around the world. These multiple alternate common names include such distinctive terms […]
Fiddler Ray
Fiddler Ray Facts The somewhat distinctive common name of Fiddler Ray actually applies to either of two species within the genus Trygonorrhina. The two remarkable species therein also occasionally go by the distinctive alternate common name of the banjo ray. Wholly regardless of the term one uses, though, the small genus in fact represents a […]
Sarcastic Fringehead
Sarcastic Fringehead Facts Perhaps most notably, the uniquely-named Sarcastic Fringehead remains one of the most extraordinary species of fish in the world. This surprising statement holds true for several reasons that might surprise you. Firstly, the animal evolved as an extremely aggressive creature. However, this characteristic predominantly shows itself in terms of territorial behavior. Secondly, […]
Greenland Shark
Greenland Shark Facts The Greenland Shark is an extremely large species of shark endemic to a rather harsh range. In fact, its range reaches the farthest north of any known type of shark. The species also evolved numerous biological adaptations. As the only true sub-arctic shark, many of these adaptations occurred due to its environment. […]
Cownose Ray
Cownose Ray Facts Related Articles Cownose Ray Physical Description Perhaps most notably, the beautiful Cownose Ray impresses for reasons other than sheer size. That’s because it ranks as one of the smaller known types of ray found throughout the world. This fact in no way detracts from the awesomeness of the creature, though In addition […]
California Sheephead
California Sheephead Facts Firstly, the term California Sheephead serves as the common name of as single species of wrasse, in the Family Labridae. As unusual as the common name may seem to some, it remains much more easily pronounced than the scientific name of Semicossyphus pulcher. In addition to being more pronounceable, the common name […]
Bull Shark
Bull Shark Facts Firstly, experts best know the appropriately named Bull Shark for its aggressive nature. In fact, this species appears responsible for the majority of shark attacks worldwide. It also is one of the best-known types of requiem shark. This ocean dweller is also highly adaptable to environmental conditions. In fact, it is one […]