Mitchell’s Satyr Butterfly Facts The Mitchell’s Satyr Butterfly represents a highly endangered species of insect. It originally evolved as endemic to a very restricted region comprising four states in the United States. These consisted of Ohio, New Jersey, Michigan, and Indiana. The beautiful Lepidoptera also remains one of the rarest known butterflies on the planet. Only […]Read More
Hornet Robberfly
Hornet Robberfly Facts The Hornet Robberfly is a fly species that has actually evolved to resemble a stinging hornet. This evolutionary camouflage provides remarkable protection. Unlike most flies, this one is carnivorous. In addition, it is an opportunistic hunter. They will attack a wide variety of insects including other flies, and even each other. The Hornet […]
Jewel Caterpillar
Jewel Caterpillar Facts The gorgeous Jewel Caterpillar, a member of the Dalceridae family, is the incredibly beautiful and translucent larval stage of the Acraga coa. Currently, scientists still know very little about either the caterpillar stage of the species or its adult counterpart. The brilliant color of the many spiny protuberances appears in contrast to the virtually transparent […]
Phyllium siccifolium
Phyllium siccifolium Facts Phyllium siccifolium names a type of leaf insect which has no acknowledged common name. It was, in fact, the first species of leaf insect recognized. Like all species of this rather unusual and distinctive type of insect and many related species, it remains a master of camouflage. This quite remarkable, and visually appealing, invertebrate […]
Crane Fly
Crane Fly Facts The Crane Fly serves as the collective name for any member of an enormous Family, which includes roughly4,250 known species worldwide. Most members of this Family possess oversized wings. Despite the great size of their wings, most of these invertebrates remain remarkably poor fliers. Insects of this type remain well-known for the slender […]
Lovebug Facts The surprisingly fascinating invertebrate known as the Lovebug represents a species of march fly. It is also commonly called the double-headed bug, for the obvious reason. Both of its names derive from its rather protracted mating habits. After mating, both individuals will remain coupled for as long as several days. The aptly named […]
Clouded Sulphur Butterfly
The Clouded Sulphur Butterfly looks like a little bundle of yellow cotton, doesn’t it? But they also have a dark secret. This little Beauty also seems to be a bit of a Beast. You see, this species actually displays the extremely unusual trait of cannibalism among the freshly hatched larvae. This delicately beautiful little creature […]
Tansy Beetle
Tansy Beetle Facts Related Articles Tansy Beetle Physical Description Though the Tansy Beetle stays rather diminutive, it nonetheless appears quite beautiful. This interesting species also exhibits a small degree of sexual dimorphism. First of all, the female only attains an average length of 0.3 in (7.6 mm). Meanwhile, the male reaches a length slightly less […]
Mitchell’s Satyr Butterfly
Mitchell’s Satyr Butterfly Facts The Mitchell’s Satyr Butterfly represents a highly endangered species of insect. It originally evolved as endemic to a very restricted region comprising four states in the United States. These consisted of Ohio, New Jersey, Michigan, and Indiana. The beautiful Lepidoptera also remains one of the rarest known butterflies on the planet. Only […]
Blue Death Feigning Beetle
Blue Death Feigning Beetle Facts The name this fabulous work of Nature and evolution most frequently goes by is the intriguing one of the Blue Death Feigning Beetle. That name remains unique, to put it mildly. The term also serves as perfectly fitting, and descriptive, however. The attention-grabbing term certainly seems more poetic than its […]
Black and Yellow Mud Dauber
Black and Yellow Mud Dauber Facts Most notably, the admittedly somewhat lengthy term Black and Yellow Mud Dauber aptly serves its purpose. That’s because it serves as the common name for a highly specific species of wasp. At present, entomologists recognize a total of 30 related species throughout the world. While differences naturally occur, in […]