Hummingbird Fuchsia Facts
- First of all, many consider the Hummingbird Fuchsia to be among the most beautiful of all shrubs. Secondly, the sheer size of this plant and its tendency to produce many blooms cause it to stand out from many related plants. These traits have also made it a favorite of many horticulturists.
- In addition, while it evolved as a temperate climate species, it and its cultivars remain relatively resistant to the cold. The species also reproduce easily, and in a somewhat wide variety of ways. That’s because the shrub can reproduce either by seed, in its usual manner, or via cuttings.
- It also remains worth noting that within its endemic range, the Hummingbird Fuchsia serves as a staple food source for many hummingbird species, hence the common name. The species owes this to its tendency to produce large quantities of nectar, and the distinctive shape of its flowers.
- Quite sadly, however, while this beautiful species has not yet been officially classified as endangered by the IUCN, that may soon change. This holds true due to the rather sad fact that large portions of its native habitat continue to be threatened by both climate change and human activities such as deforestation.
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Hummingbird Fuchsia Physical Description
While the amazing species appears to many people to be a small tree due to its size, botanists classify the Hummingbird Fuchsia as a shrub. Furthermore, this beautiful species often attains heights of as much as an astounding 11 ft (3.3 m) in ideal climates. In addition, the widely branching shrub further reaches a maximum width of as much as 10 ft (3 m) at times.
Also, as remains quite common with most shrubs, this species produces a great number of mainly horizontal, rather than vertical, branches. But its awesomeness does not end there. The gorgeous deciduous plant also produces numerous hermaphroditic flowers. These large groups of blooms achieve pollination through the activities of a wide variety of insects.
Additionally, the species remains renowned for the startling beauty of the blooms. These features possess a long tubular shape and may be either pink, red, lavender, or white in color. Small, yet numerous, reddish purple fruits follow the flowers. The lance-shaped foliage also displays a unique trait. While green on top, the underside displays a reddish color.
- Kingdom: Plantae
- Phlyum : Angiosperms
- Class: Eudicots
- Order: Myrtales
- Family: Onagraceae
- Genus: Fuchsia
- Species: F. magellanica
Hummingbird Fuchsia Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
Quite unfortunately for its admirers, the magnificent Hummingbird Fuchsia grows naturally only in a restricted region of the southern cone of South America. More precisely, this region entails limited portions of the countries of Chile and Argentina. But even there it only grows in areas of a temperate climate.
However, the stunning Angiosperm has now become naturalized in many other regions throughout the world. These areas include portions of Australia and the United States, in North America. But even in its native range, it remains selective, primarily appearing in either forest clearings or margins.
It also display great adaptability to differing climates. This holds true because the plant appears equally in both evergreen and deciduous forests. The species grow best in regions of partial shade and very moist soil. In addition, blooming typically occurs during early to late summer, depending upon specific location.
Finally, the magnificent shrub typically matures comparatively quickly. Furthermore, it also spreads rapidly under ideal conditions. While its popularity as an ornamental plant affords it some protection from extinction, it faces a strong threat in the wild. This consists of an insect pest called the gall mite.
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